ベトナム Decree No. 36/2016/ND-CPのラベル要求について - クアルテックジャパンコンサルティング株式会社


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ベトナム Decree No. 36/2016/ND-CPのラベル要求について

カテゴリ: ベトナム 作成日:2017年11月21日(火)

ベトナムでの医療機器規制では、これまでCircular 24/2011/TT-BYT の要求を満たす必要がありました。

Circular 24/2011/TT-BYT では、ラベルの要求は第3条の4.で以下のように規定されていました。


4. Labeling of the imported medical device:

It must be implemented in accordance with the regulations of the Government’s Decree No. 89/2006/ND-CP dated 30 August 2006 on labeling of goods and Circular No. 09/2007/TT-BKHCN dated 6 April 2007 of Ministry of Science and Technology guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 89/2006/ND-CP dated 30 August 2006 on labeling of goods and several related regulations.


※2006年8月30日付のDecree No. 89/2006、2997年4月6日付のCircular No. 09/2007に従うこと。


今回導入されたDecree No.36/2016では、第54条で規定されています。


Article 54. Labels of medical equipment

1. The labeling of medical equipment shall comply with regulations in Decree No. 89/2006/ND-CP dated August 30, 2006 by the Government on labeling of goods and the label must contain:

a) Name of the medical equipment;

b) The registration number of free sale of the medical equipment;

c) Name and address of the holder of the registration number of free sale of the medical equipment;

d) The origin of the medical equipment;

dd) Date of production or expiry date. The date of production and the expiry date must be written in the format [dd/mm/yyyy] or [mm/yyyy].

e) Number of batch or the seri number of the medical equipment;

g) Guidance for seeking information about the warranty provider, guidlines for using the medical equipment, technical documents serving the repair and maintenance according to regulations in clause 2 Article 17 of this Decree.

2. Medical equipment imported into Vietnam whose label does not contain sufficiently the information specified in clause 1 of this Article must be enclosed with a supplementary label containing such information written in Vietnamese and the original label of the equipment shall be retained.



1.2006年8月30日付のDecree No. 89/2006に従い、ラベルは以下も満たす事:


b)医療機器の登録番号:Registration Number 新しく追加



dd)製造日又は使用期限: 記載方法は[dd/mm/yyyy] 又は [mm/yyyy]に従うこと。



